About Manuel on Stage

Manuel on Stage – variable play

To open : lift Seta cima2.jpeg

"Manuel on Stage" is a self reflective project that follows a second cycle of my writing (of plays, prose and poems). The first cycle ended with Actueur, three small texts of « nor theatre » with which I have closed, as a matter of speech, the cycle of my "dramatic writing"; after which writing became, if I may say so, more instrumental to constitute a canvas for a series of thematic plays about erotism, death, power, or the notion of being a foreigner. With "Manuel on Stage" things "jump" this time in many different directions simultaneously. Including the possibility of "going back" through a sort of "manual (about how to be-come) on stage", using all the time all my previous plays and other texts but also any source that may be found interesting to bring this Manuel on Stage.

Alvaro García de Zúñiga - photo: Yves Rousguisto

Manuel on Stage has as base material :

Le Théâtre n'est que du Cinéma | texte15dpx

Théâtre Impossible | texte15dpx

Lecture d’un texte pour le théâtre | texte15dpx

Sur Scène et Marne | texte15dpx

radiOthello | texte 15dpx

Conférence de Presse | texte 15dpx

Exercices de Frustration

Actueur | texte15dpx


and all my other non-dramatic writing, as well as texts related to them. For intance : Manuals and theoretical texts about theatre and theatre play (Stanislavski, Strassberg, M. Tchekhov, P. Brook, etc.) Other theoretical texts about thought and language like Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and other writings: ; Le Mot et la Chose by W. V. O. Quine, etc. Other theoretical texts (Posmodernismo para principiantes by R. Appignanesi / Ch. Garratt, La théorie du bordel ambiant by R. Moreno). Texts about quantum physics and artificial intelligence (La société de l’esprit by M. Minski, Le cantique des quantiques by Pharabod, Ortoli, etc.). Etc.

Manuel on Stage
