
Logicus & Philosophicus

A neutral voice starts reading Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philisophicus

The Tractatus is a particular kind of book with a particular structure. (As you can see in the Tractatus’s map)

Working on it in an acoustic way was our purpose.

The method consisted on recording and adding sentences – starting with the first one – and then adding the second, and the third... in order to obtain first a solo, then a duo, then a trio, then a quartet, and so on. Gradually perception becomes more and more difficult and eventually you lose it. Then starts the reverse process, from a multiplicity of voices back to a solo until the last sentence. As it would be logically philosophical to expect.

Logicus & Philosophicus - dur. 20min.25sec.

for voice and Pro-Tools.

by Alvaro García de Zúñiga

Directed by Alvaro García de Zúñiga and Pedro Coelho

with Alínea B. Issilva

comissioned by João Almeida /a coproduction with RDP- Antena 2

Logicus and Philosophicus broadcasted for the first time the 3rd September 2007 was selected to represent Portugal in the first European Radio Art Festival.
