Logicus & Filosoficus

A neutral voice starts reading Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Lógico-Philisophicus

The Tractatus is a particular kind of book with an particular structure. (As you can see in the Tractatus’s map)

Working on it in an acoustic way is our purpose.

The method consists on recording sentences – starting in the first one – and adding the second, the third and so for obtaining thus a trio, then a quartet, and so on. Gradually perception becomes more and more difficult and eventually you lose it. Then starts the reverse process, ending up again with a solo the last sentence. As it would be logically philosophical to expect.

Logicus & Filosoficus - dur. 20min.

for voice and Pro-Tools.

by Alvaro García de Zúñiga

Directed by Alvaro García de Zúñiga and Pedro Coelho

with Alínea B. Issilva

for João Almeida /a coproduction with RDP- Antena 2

Acoustic Plays
